8th World
Mucosal Health
in Aquaculture
Mucosal Health in Aquaculture 2024 (MHA2024) welcomes you to Porto!
Why mucosal health?
The mucosal surfaces provide the aquatic organisms the indispensable first line of defense against the constant threats present in the immediate environment. Despite having various physiological functions, all mucosal tissues share a commonality in their structures at the microanatomic level, most notably the presence of an organised epithelial surface with supporting stromal tissues or lamina propria, vasculature, musculature, and resident immune cells
Welcome Reception
CIIMAR - Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões.
Conference - Porto
Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda
10 to 13 September 2024
3 days dedicated to Mucosal health
Researchers from different countries
The place for networking
Renowned keynote speakers
The best authors and researchers in the field
Diverse programme
Register now and secure your spot
May 30, 2024
Deadline for abstract submission
July 15, 2024
Deadline for registration
Become a MHA2024 Sponsor
We offer several sponsorship options for organizations or individuals who wish be part of MHA. An opportunity to connect with different stakeholders!

MHA2024 aims to provide a platform to present and discuss the state-of-the-art of mucosal health research in various farmed aquatic species. This will in turn stimulate new research frontiers and opportunities, thus cementing the relevance of mucosal health in promoting more sustainable farming practices